What She Knew Page 16
“Isn’t that what you did, Rylan? Isn’t that what you’re going to do as soon as the dust settles again and you get bored or whatever it was that caused you to go to Collinsville in the first place? Isn’t that exactly how you got into trouble before?” Her words rushed out like they did when she was stressed.
He took a step closer and was almost body to body. It was taking all his self-control not to reach out and touch her. It would be so easy to move her hair away from her neck and start kissing her there.
Before he could drum up the willpower to turn away, she took a step back and leaned against him.
Rylan had to admit his feelings for Amber were always brimming underneath the surface. Seeing her with his child did things to his heart that he knew better than to allow. He had no business falling for a Kent.
Honestly, she was too good for him but she’d never see it that way.
“Are you going to answer me?” Her pulse drummed underneath his fingertips.
“What can I tell you, Amber? Do you want to hear that I think you’re beautiful? That you make me want things that I don’t deserve? That I will never deserve and, by the way, your brother agreed with me? Because I’ll say it. And then what? You’ll feel sorry for me—”
Amber spun around with all that ire in her eyes that was so damn sexy. “I couldn’t possibly feel sorry for you, Rylan. As far as my brother goes, he has no idea what’s best for me.”
This close, her body was flush with his, and he could feel her breasts rising and falling when she spoke. He dropped his hands, looping his arms around her waist. All he could feel right then was the desire sweeping through him, consuming him with need.
“All I can feel is the same thing you do.” Looking into her glittery eyes wasn’t helping his situation any.
“This is a bad idea,” he said.
AMBER BROUGHT HER hands up to Rylan’s chest and smoothed her fingers over the ridges beneath his T-shirt. She blinked up at him. “Is this a bad idea, Rylan? Because I can’t think of one good reason why this shouldn’t happen. We’re adults now. Adults who are capable of making the decision to have one night of amazing sex together.”
She pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed him. His body went rigid at first, but then he pulled her tighter against him.
“I won’t deny that you’ve grown up, Amber. You’re incredible. You’re smart. Beautiful,” he said.
Pulling back, she looked directly into his eyes and realized just how much trouble she was in. The more time she spent with Rylan, Amber could sense herself falling further down that slippery slope of feelings. The heat that had been burning between them was like nothing she’d ever felt in her past relationships. Their chemistry sizzled, and she assumed the sex would be beyond anything she’d ever experienced.
It would be so easy to get lost with this man in this moment and forget about the past, about their history.
And that’s exactly what she planned to do for at least one night.
She dropped her hands to the hem of Rylan’s T-shirt while locking gazes with him. His hands joined hers, and a few seconds later his shirt was on the floor.
His hands went to the hem of hers, and her fingers trembled with anticipation as she fumbled with the fabric, trying to help. He captured one of her hands in his and brought it up to his lips. He pressed a kiss on the tip of her fingers and then on her palm. He peppered kisses on her exposed wrist. Sensual shivers skittered across her skin and her stomach went into free fall.
“I said it before and I’ll say it again—you’re beautiful, Amber Kent.” His voice was low, raspy and sexy as hell. “You’re even more beautiful than I remembered, and that’s saying a hell of a lot.”
He pulled her T-shirt up and over her head, and it joined his shirt on the floor. He palmed her breasts and she released a moan as she unhooked her lacy bra. His hands were rough from working on his house. She liked the feel of them against her skin as they roamed.
He toed off his boots and she followed suit.
“Why did you disappear after you kissed me?” She couldn’t help but ask the question that had been on her mind far too long.
“You really want to talk about this now?” He ran his finger along the waistband of her shorts. “Because I have something else entirely on my mind, and it’s a hell of a lot better than dredging up the past. It’s the here and now, you and me. And I’ve been waiting a long time for the chance to do this.”
He sure knew the right things to say as he dipped his head and ran his lips across her collarbone and then along the base of her neck. Warmth coiled low in her belly.
“It can wait.” She wanted this to happen, this thing that was happening between them. She wanted it more than she wanted air.
Maybe she was caught up in the moment, but she didn’t care. She’d denied herself too long. She moved her hands to the waistband of his shorts, and a few seconds later those were on the floor in a pile with their clothes. Her shorts joined his.
He hooked his thumbs on either side of her panties, and those went on top of the pile along with his boxers.
Rylan Anderson stood there, naked, and in front of her. His glorious body glistening in the moonlight streaming in from the top of the window. Shadows highlighted a strong male body. His erection pressed against the soft skin of her belly when he pulled her close to him. Again, their bodies were flush and she could feel every time he took a breath.
How many times had she wished for this when she was still naive enough to believe in wishes? One of the biggest problems with her relationship with Red was that he wasn’t Rylan, would never be Rylan. She’d told herself to get over her crush and move on. And she believed she had until now. Now she realized she’d just stuffed her feelings down so deep that she’d become numb.
She brought her hands up and dug her fingers into his thick hair and breathed. Her breasts pressed against him as his hands roamed around her back and then cradled her bottom. A thunderclap of need exploded inside her and all she could think about was this man, his weight on top of her, pressing her deeper into the mattress.
Amber had no idea the air could heat up so quickly or the chemistry between two people could be so explosive until Rylan. She’d call it attraction or chemistry, but there was so much more to it than physical. Although, he was one damn hot man. With Rylan, there was a deeper connection.
He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his toned midsection. She could feel his erection pulsing against her heat. With her arms around him and his hands cupping her bottom, he walked her into the bedroom and set her down on top of the covers.
It took less than a minute to retrieve a condom and sheath his stiff length before Amber wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. His response? He kissed her so thoroughly that if she wasn’t already on the bed, her legs might have given out from underneath her. He cupped her breasts with his right palm as he balanced most of his weight on his left hand. Her nipple beaded as he rolled it between this thumb and finger, teasing her. Her back arched and she let out a mewl.
He captured it with his mouth.
“I want to feel you moving inside me, Rylan,” Amber coaxed.
It didn’t take much encouragement.
He pinned her to the mattress with his heft, careful not to overwhelm her with his weight. She wrapped her legs around his midsection and he drove his tip inside her heat. For the first few seconds he just teased her, driving her to the brink of craziness.
Amber bucked her hips as she dug her fingers into Rylan’s shoulders. He drove himself deeper inside her as he lowered his head and captured her mouth. He tasted like a mix of coffee and peppermint toothpaste.
Bare skin to bare skin, he groaned as he thrust harder and faster. She matched his pitch as they practically gasped for air.
His stiff erection drove to her core, and she rode the feeling to the brink. Faster. Harder. More.
“Rylan,” she rasped.
He pulled his head back far enough to really look at her. “You’re incredible, Amber.”
She loved the sound of her name as it rolled off his tongue. She heard something else that sounded a lot like, “I love you.” But she was probably just hearing what she wanted as he pushed her over the edge and rocketed her toward climax.
It was then he drove himself faster and harder until his entire body tensed…and then sweet release seemed to wash over him as he let out a guttural groan.
Rylan collapsed alongside her. She rolled onto her side to face him, and he pulled her into the crook of his arm. He kissed her again and she memorized the look on his face. It was the first time she could remember seeing him with a smile that lit his eyes. It was addicting and dangerous, making the pull to him even stronger.
“Amber Kent, I hope you’re not tired because one time is not nearly enough with you.”
Chapter Seventeen
Making love with Amber changed things for Rylan. Now that he’d cracked the lid on that pot, he could only hope she felt the same. Lying there, skin to skin with her, he knew he was only beginning to scratch the surface of his feelings for her.
Amber’s steady, even breathing said she was asleep, and he didn’t want to disturb her. Brooklyn would be awake soon, needing another bottle. He peeled himself away from Amber and out from under the covers, moving slowly and quietly so as not to disturb her. She needed rest. If she heard the baby, she’d hop up before he could throw his shorts on.
Rylan walked into the kitchenette area and put on a pot of coffee. There was no way he could sleep thinking that Brooklyn’s mother might already be dead. His mother had passed away while he was in high school, but looking back as a man he was nothing but grateful for the time he got with her.
It was taking all of Rylan’s self-control to stop himself from going down to Zach’s office and forcing the smug Mr. Robinson to talk. The sheriff had laws to follow whereas Rylan had better ways to make the man talk. And if the Robinsons weren’t still there, he’d hunt them down. But then, he hadn’t let his temper rule him since those bad decisions he’d made in high school. He’d finally realized letting his temper control his actions hurt him and the people he cared most about in the long run. But times like these tried his patience, and a woman’s life could hang in the balance.
Patience had never been his strong suit.
He was deep into his second cup of coffee when Brooklyn stirred. Staring down a baby alone was enough to make this strong man crumble.
But he was nothing but proud when he made her bottle, fed her and burped her, before changing her diaper. Since he’d acted fast the little girl had never properly woken up and that made changing her diaper a hell of a lot easier. He had Amber to thank for helping him get the hang of things.
Pride filled his chest when he placed her back inside her infant bouncer and successfully strapped her in. For the first time since having her handed to him out of the blue, he was starting to think he might not be awful at caring for her.
It was even better that Amber was still sleeping. The thought of being her shelter and taking care of her stirred his heart. Not that Amber Kent couldn’t take care of herself. It was sexy as hell when a strong woman could open herself up and allow herself to be vulnerable. And he liked the feeling of taking care of someone who did so much for others.
Rylan thought about Mr. Robinson. A picture emerged that made him sick to his stomach. Had Alicia been forced—or pressured might be a better word—into having a child for her boss? A man with his temperament and dominant tendencies would see no problem in forcing one of his employees to do something she didn’t want to. If the man didn’t treat the woman he was supposed to love above all else with respect, how was he supposed to treat people he would see as pawns?
There were other thoughts that popped into Rylan’s mind. Why did Alicia have a change of heart? Although, looking at the way Amber had almost instantly bonded with Brooklyn, he figured there was a built-in protection hormone for mothers. Had Alicia bonded with the baby during the pregnancy? He’d heard about rogue hormones in pregnant women. They served a purpose, and he figured most of them were to ensure survival of the child.
Thinking about Zach’s phone call earlier got Rylan’s mind spinning. He wasn’t quite ready to let himself off the hook about the slip last year in his sobriety. Evidence was mounting that Alicia might’ve been desperate to get pregnant. She could’ve locked on to him after seeing him at the party. And she could’ve slipped something into his coffee.
Until he had proof, Rylan couldn’t afford to let himself off.
He grabbed a small notebook and pen from the junk drawer in the kitchenette, and then started jotting down notes.
By the time he looked up fifteen minutes later, Amber stood in the doorway to the bedroom staring at him.
“Hello, beautiful,” he said, and she broke into a smile.
“Rylan.” Her voice had a tentative quality to it, and he figured he knew why.
“You’re important to me, Amber. Last night changed things for me. I just don’t know what that means yet,” he offered, and thought he saw a flicker of disappointment behind her eyes as she approached.
He grabbed her hand and tugged her down onto his lap. He kissed her, wishing he could say what was really on his mind, that he’d had a hell of a time going all-in with anyone. But the thought of losing Amber was a knife stab to the center of his chest.
The sound of boots shuffling up wooden stairs had Rylan reaching for his weapon. Amber immediately went toward the baby.
“Will you take her into the bedroom?” She had her SIG and could protect them both given the time.
“Be careful, Rylan.”
“Close the door but wait to see who opens it before you shoot.” He fired a wink and it was meant to break the tension.
She frowned.
“Don’t count me out yet, Kent. I’m actually damn good in these situations.”
Amber smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Worry lines creased her forehead as she picked up the baby in her bouncer and glanced back one more time before closing the door. He could’ve sworn she whispered that she loved him, but it could’ve been his imagination.
A knock sounded.
“It’s Will. Open up.”
The bedroom door cracked open. “I’ll let the two of you talk while I hang out with this sweet girl.”
Amber stood there holding Brooklyn in her arms. The baby smiled up at Amber. And a fire bolt struck Rylan square in the chest.
He walked to the door and answered. “How’d you know I was here?”
“Where’s my sister? Is she safe?” Will’s concern touched Rylan. Although, he shouldn’t be surprised a Kent would look out for another Kent.
“She’s here.” Rylan opened the door all the way. “You want to come inside?”
Will glanced at him before nodding.
“A lot has happened since we last spoke.” Rylan motioned toward the table. “You want a cup of coffee?”
The sun wasn’t up yet, but days started on the ranch at 4:00 a.m. Rylan should’ve known they couldn’t fool her family, thinking they could go unnoticed on the property.
“I’ll take a cup if you’ve got it. Black.” Will took a seat.
Rylan poured two and joined Will. He set down one of the mugs in front of his former best friend.
“Before you say anything, I’d like to apologize to you,” Rylan began.
“There’s no reason to rehash the—”
“I believe there is. And it’s an important step in my sobriety.”
Will’s eyes widened in surprise.
“That’s right. I’ve been sober for many years now, but facing you has been the most difficult part of the journey,” Rylan admitted.
“Why is that?” Will too
k a sip and studied Rylan’s face.
“I needed to be ready to forgive myself if you accepted my apology. And I’m not there yet but—”
“Losing a friendship, hell, a brotherhood has been punishment enough. Don’t you think?” The sincerity in Will’s words struck like a physical blow.
Had he missed the friendship as much as Rylan?
“You covered for me that night. What I did was wrong, and you stuck up for me even though I didn’t deserve it. I was a stupid kid—”
“You lost your mother, and I couldn’t seem to help pick you back up or get you on the right path again,” Will said.
“I let you down, not the other way around. And I let the Willow family down by catching their crops on fire.” Saying those words still hurt. “I had no business—”
“Hold on a second. You think it was you who lit that fire?” Will’s voice was steady.
“I was the one there. You said it yourself. That’s where you found me. You took the blame so I wouldn’t end up in juvenile detention.” That’s how Rylan remembered it.
“The McFarland boys set that fire, and they did it on purpose. I just couldn’t prove it. They were drunk and seemed to think it would be real funny to destroy the field. You were passed out. I found you before the flames got to you, or they would’ve let you die. I was angry with you at the time for choosing those jerks over our friendship. You never had anything to do with the fire. My parents helped the Willows get back on their feet. But you almost lost your life.” Will smacked his palm on the table. “I was almost too late that night, but it never should’ve gone that far. I should’ve been a better friend.”
Rylan let those words sink in. All the guilt he’d been feeling these years for the fire had been wasted? Damn, those were a lot of years to be carrying around shame for something he didn’t do. Looking back, they’d been for nothing.
He didn’t regret his time in the military. He’d gotten his act together there. His service had been good for him. “Thank you for telling me, Will.”